Tellows Number Statistics Available

Am I the only one? Sadly, no.

Whole countries and areas suffer from phone spam. Once you looked up a suspicious phone number on Tellows, you might wonder if other people were also frequently harassed by that number and if yes, how many? And when?

Detailed information on the amount of search requests is given on each number’s so-called detail site.  Simply click on the respective line saying Search requests for this phone number inside the number’s info box. If the queries for a number reached a sufficient amount, there will be a detailed amount given. Having clicked there, you will see a graph displaying additional stastics on the number. You may adjust the time period in which you are interested – choose between 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or 3 moths and press adjust to display the new graph.

Here is an example for the New Zealand number 099291108.
In this moment, the number was looked for 468 times, which is a suffient amount of queries in order to display it in a chart. Usually, there will be a tendency towards peak activity times of numbers during the week and less activity on weekends.

Do not hesitate to contact us about this function. Ideas as well as every comment is welcome – either suggestions or constructive criticism.


Thank you!


Team Tellows


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